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Grove People

Double IPA with CTZ, Simcoe Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol


  • Currently unavailable
  • CTZ, Simcoe Hops
  • 8.5% ALC/VOL
  • IPA/DIPA/Pale
  • Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Overripe Mango, Slight Booze, Sunny D

About Grove People

Strange noises and mysterious lights whisper in the deep in the woods of Western Sonoma County. Bears? Hippies? A family of sasquatch? No! It’s a horde of Grove People! This Simcoe-driven Double IPA is the bigger,bolder version of our classic Illuminati IPA. You’ll find all the amazing pine and tangerine aroma that we love Simcoe hops for along with a bigger 8.5% ABV. Sip this beer thoughtfully or risk getting lost in the woods.

HenHouse Department of Freshness Seal

Top Secret

Fans of Freshness Only

Top Secret

All individuals handling this information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure in the interest of beer freshness and the national security of the united states. Handling, cold chain, reproduction and disposition of the attached document will be in accordance with applicable executive order(s), statute(s) and agency implementing regulations.

HenHouse Department of Freshness Seal

HenHouse Brewing Company

Department of Freshness

Hops: CTZ, Simcoe
Yeast: Conan (Imperial)
Malt: Rahr 2 Row, Rahr White Wheat, Weyermann Rye malt
Appearance: Golden Orange, Medium Haze
Aroma: Tangerine, Pine, Tropical Fruit, Candied Pineapple
Flavor: Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Overripe Mango, Slight Booze, Sunny D
Mouthfeel: Medium Bodied, Dry Finish

The Conspiracy

As we all know, if you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise. If you go down in the woods today, you’d better go in disguise because their private security is made up of ex-special forces operators with thermal imaging and facial recognition tech. This is the Grove, where the likes of Bob Oppenhiemer, Bob Weir, Michael Steven Hartman, and Dr. Michael Ganz have cloistered annually for over 150 years to plot, drink, and micturate unreservedly. The Manhattan Project, The Philadelphia Experiment, New Coke, MK-ULTRA and more were all proposed or discussed at these atherings. Moloch only knows what they might be planning for us next. Beneath the trees, where nobody sees they’ll hide and scheme as long as they please. That’s the way the Grove People have their picnic.

The Beer

Strange noises and mysterious lights whisper in the deep in the woods of Western Sonoma County. Bears? Hippies? A family of sasquatch? No! It’s a horde of Grove People! This Simcoe-driven Double IPA is the bigger,bolder version of our classic Illuminati IPA. You’ll find all the amazing pine and tangerine aroma that we love Simcoe hops for along with a bigger 8.5% ABV. Sip this beer thoughtfully or risk getting lost in the woods.

El Cerveza

ERuidos extraños y luces misteriosas susurran en lo más profundo de los bosques del condado de Western Sonoma. ¿Osos? ¿Hippies? ¿Una familia de sasquatch? ¡No! ¡Es una horda de gente de Grove! Esta IPA doble, con base en Simcoe, es la versión más grande y atrevida de nuestra clásica IPA Illuminati. Encontrará el increíble aroma a pino y a mandarina que nos encanta del lúpulo Simcoe junto con un mayor 8.5% de ABV. Beba esta cerveza a sorbos con cuidado o corra el riesgo de perderse en el bosque.